Mom in the dark - Blind Alena with her daughter at a playground
Alena, who is blind, became a mother in 2019. She is raising her daughter Šarlota without a partner.
Alena has faced questions about how she will manage the care of a child as an absolutely blind person since her pregnancy. Radiožurnál follows her story from the very beginning. In the third series, for example, we acompany Alena and Šarlota to the playground to try slides, swings and building from sand.
When: Tuesday 17th October 2023 | morning listening session 10:00
Where: Theatre hall, Arts Centre UP
Entrance: Free admission with accreditation
Look at the detailed program of the listening session.
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Competition category: News Report
Title in English: Mom in the dark - Blind Alena with her daughter at a playground
Original title: Mámou potmě - Nevidomá Alena s dcerou na hřišti
Author: Veronika Hlaváčová
Length (in minutes): 3:36
Original language: Czech
Name of station which broadcast the program: Czech Radio | Czech Republic