
5. říjen 2022

The Exteriors podcast aims to fill a void in the plethora of regular podcasts that are mainly recorded in the studio and take the form of an interview, by offering listeners a documentary or documentary series.

The themes of the individual episodes (documentaries) are in line with the ideas of HateFree Culture and thus represent individual problems through the stories of specific people who live them. And it is based on the assumption that if people listen to them, it will leave something in their minds and shift their perception of the matter more than reading an article or a classic interview would.

The podcast itself is probably best described by a sentence from its official description: Original audio documentaries from places you wouldn’t normally see on your own. Stories and situations of marginalised people at close quarters. The podcast’s frequency is usually one episode per month, or once a week in the case of a series. They are written mainly by Lukáš Houdek; dramaturgy is provided by Adam Voneš, who also handles the sound design and music.

Basic Information  

The Exteriors podcast is produced by the government’s HateFree Culture campaign against racism and hate, which is run by the Ministry of Regional Development. In addition to quality content that will have the power to challenge people’s perceptions about certain topics, it aims to show that even an ossified state institution can produce good output that will speak to a wider range of people across generations.

It is also a message to other authorities and institutions that this is possible. Podcast frequency is usually one episode/documentary per month, the topics vary widely. The only thing they have in common is that the people they are about tend to be marginalized and often the target of prejudice or injustice.

The podcast also uses different documentary approaches. Firstly, a time-lapse, where the author follows one protagonist for several years and shows his/her story over time, and, secondly, a “day in the life” approach, where he provides a glimpse into the everyday life of people we would not normally meet in our lives.

The sentence from the podcast’s annotation sums it up best: Original audio documentaries from places you wouldn’t normally see on your own. Stories and situations of marginalised people at close quarters. It is currently organized mainly by Lukáš Houdek, one of the documentaries was filmed by Jiří Pasz. However, the production team has also approached other authors, whose documentaries will be broadcast in the following months, thus offering a greater plurality of topics and authorial approaches.

Listen the document at Prix Bohemia Radio festival!

When: Thursday 13th October 2022 | 11:15 – 11:35 | listening session
Where: Film hall, Arts Centre UP
Entrance: Free admission with accreditation

Look at the detailed program of the listening session.

All podcasts are available here.


Competition category: Podcast
Title: Exteriors
Original title: Exteriéry
Author: Lukáš Houdek and others
Production: HateFree Culture

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