Let It Go

26. září 2024

How does Ivan live in his body? For more than a year, Ivan Kačur recorded his dreams, songs, conversations with his family and the sounds of the surrounding landscape on a portable recorder.

He sent the recordings to audio-documentarist Jiří Slavičínský. The result of their collaboration is a poetic diary documentary about creativity, living with illness, mortality and hope.

Listen to the document at Prix Bohemia Radio festival!

When: Monday 14th October 2024 | 14:00 – 14:30 | listening session
Where: Theatre hall, Arts Centre UP
Entrance: Free admission with accreditation

Look at the detailed program of the listening session.

Join us in going green! Download the scripts of documentary into your mobile device and be paperless.


Competition category: Documentary
Title: Let It Go
Original title: Nechat to bejt
Author: Jiří Slavičínský
Production: Audionaut-Bionaut