Five experts that will decide on the winners. Introducing the panel of judges in the Documentary category

5. srpen 2024

Four international panels of judges will be deciding on which radio works will be taking home the prizes from the Prix Bohemia Radio festival. The order of the works in the Documentary category will be in the hands of five experts.

Adéla Komrzý

The first spot in the panel goes to a Czech director Adéla Komrzý. She studied Art History at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University and Documentary Film at Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts (FAMU) where she is currently completing her PhD studies. In 2018 she was granted a scholarship to study directing at Konrad Wolf Film University of Babelsberg. Her films Jednotka intenzivního života (Intensive Life Unit, 2021) and Zkouška umění (The Art Talent Show, 2022) have been screened at many prestigious international festivals around the world and won many awards such as the Czech Lion Award, Czech Film Critics Award, Main Prize of the Proxima competition of KVIFF or FIPRESCI Film Critics Award.

Damian Machaj

Damian Machaj is a director and a producer. He founded and runs Storylab Audio. He worked as a creative producer at Czech Radio until 2020 and was involved in producing podcasts and online projects. He likes to blend genres and traditional audio storytelling techniques. He is the director of the following podcast series: Stoupenci (Followers), Umění padělat (The Art of Forgery), České podsvětí (Czech Underworld) and Prohnilí (The Rotten). He collaborates with leading Czech media, journalists and cultural institutions.

Daniel Velasco

Another seat in a jury belongs to Daniel Velasco. He is an investigative journalist at Sveriges Radio (Swedish Radio), where he has worked since 1999. He has worked in the news department there since 2004.

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Daniel has made several award-winning documentaries and documentary series. For his work he has received a number of international awards, including the Prix Europa, the IRE Award, the New York Festivals Grand Award, the Prix Bohemia and the Premios Ondas.

A grand total of twenty two jurors will be deciding the winners of the 40th annual Prix Bohemia Radio festival awards. National and international radio professionals will sit on each of the juries for the documentary, drama, news report and podcast categories and decide which works will reach the main competition.

Niki Matita

Niki Matita is a radio_sound artist, curator, writer, presenter, record entertainer & visual artist. In the 2000s, she was the artistic director of the club Zentrale Randlage, a platform for experimental music and culture in Berlin. As member of female:pressure she initiated the FACTS survey on gender relations at festivals. Since 2007 she is locally and internationally involved in free radio and community media. Her radioart pieces and radiophonic compositions are broadcast worldwide, e.g.  Radiophrenia Glasgow, Soundart Radio UK, Sistersakousmaticas, Walking Sound. She was nominated for the UK Audio Drama Award and the Palma Ars Acustica with her piece "Fernempfangsstelle" about life and death of a German radio pioneer  Rudolf Formis, who was murdered in Czechoslovakian exile. In 2024 she is co-curator of NNOI Festival for 12,756 tone music.

Ivan Studený

Ivan Studený will complete the five jurors. Apart from music, theatre, poetry and his family, radio documentary has played a crucial role in his life. As an author and radio journalist he has been interested in stories of seemingly ordinary people as well as in contemporary social phenomena and tensions, important moments and figures from history. Telling and sharing stories through interviews, audio recording of situations, music and sound composition have never ceased to fascinate him. As a dramaturge he has always enjoyed finding the ideal format for each topic that not only captures the story, but also helps the author imprint their distinct personality into the final audio form. One of the key aspects of a good author, in his opinion, is the ability not to lose touch with the multilayered reality in the media circus. A documentary maker, if he is to bear witness to life, must not forget to live, must be open to different views, receptive to feelings. He knows from his own experience that the Prix Bohemia Radio Festival can bring to authors and people involved in documentary making very strong impulses for perceiving and understanding their profession. As a jury member he will try to do his very best for it.

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